In the analogy, I likened Lent to the melting snow around this time of year. That I try to see Lent as a time to strip away the outside stuff and to expose what needs cleaning or fixing. Kinda like the layers of snow that are melting away right now. After a winter filled with white stuff everywhere, spring comes along and warms things up and reveals all of the sand and gravel and mud and ... dog poop. As I walked the other day, I had the thought that Lent should be like that for me. Melt away the 'pretty' stuff (like fresh snow blanketing the world) and expose what's underneath. Goodness knows I try to keep things under cover normally!
Samuel was grossed out that I included dog poop in my analogy, but really, it's kind of appropriate. Sin is lurking beneath my surface. And it's dirty and mucky and stinky. Not something I want to see (or smell) and certainly something I should avoid stepping in once I am aware of its presence.
I am, as ever, so incredibly grateful for my Savior's amazing grace and his unfathomable gift of Himself. And on this Maundy Thursday night, I give thanks for this holy mystery in which He has given himself up for us.
Thank you, Lord.