I am always flattered and not a little embarrassed when this is said to me, because 1. I have a great partner in Jim who helps make my life a joy and 2. I don't always do 'it' very well.
Let's look at #1. My amazing husband is truly an equal partner in all of 'it'. He is with the kids as much as I am. He does cooking and cleaning and garbage duty and laundry. He pays bills. He supports me and encourages me and is, basically, a selfless, generous man. I am absurdly blessed in my marriage and I should probably thank God a little more often for His wondrous gift of Jim.
Now, on to #2. I feel like I'm somewhat like Holly Golightly (I think she's the right movie character), who emerges from a messy apartment looking totally put together. That's my house and my appearance. I may look mostly put together, but it probably took some panicked searching and extra minutes moving piles and staying up too late to get things done.
Yes, I seem to hold 'it' together, but it's often with string and duct tape.

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